Have you had your e-mail Hacked?
I received an e-mail today from someone at my church. I normally get a message from them once a month. This time however, I noticed there was nothing in the subject line. There was only a link to click on at the bottom of the e-mail. I noticed some other recipients of this e-mail were familiar to me but some I didn't recognize at all.
Okay, first red flag:
NO Subject!
Second red flag:
only a link, no personal message.
Lastly: I only
recognized some of the recipients.
I don't know why anyone would get any joy out of hacking into someone's personal e-mail account just to send viruses or try to steal other info from you. They may be working for a company who is desperate to get their name out there.
I had my e-mail hacked once, they sent a bunch of my contacts a link. My ex-husband called me up early one morning and said, "I think your e-mail's been hacked into. I got an e-mail from you and I clicked on the link and it was a penis enhancement ad."
Oh my Goodness! Could you just imagine if that had been sent to my father or my pastor! How embarrassing that would have been!
If you get one of these e-mails, do not click on the link. You may get a virus or they may be able to get your personal info. Let the person know that their e-mail has been hacked.
If you are the one who was hacked, go to your e-mail account A.S.A.P. and set up a new password. Setting up a new password is easy. Go to your account settings and you will probably have to type in your current password and then your new one twice. If that doesn't work, there is usually a 'help' or 'menu' on most e-mail pages, so click on one of those and find a way to change that password before the hackers do!
If someone has hacked your account they can see not only your contacts, but also any personal info you have including all of your sent messages!
Password Strength:
Do Not use the word "Password" as your password. That is the most common password used and apparently hackers try that first. Next if you have any information online, everyone can figure out your birthday, also common. If you were born July1, 1970 and you use July1970 as your password that is too easy.
Make sure your password contains at least 1 capital letter, 1 lower case, 1 number and 1 symbol or punctuation mark. For example: LolaLoves2E@t That would be a strong password.
The best way to prevent having your e-mail getting hacked is changing your password often! And by often, I mean every 2 or 3 months. I know, it's hard to remember. Sometimes, I change mine and then forget it, those days it gets changed even more often!